2022 Symposium Program
The 2022 Horizons Symposium proceedings are now available to symposium attendees. Log in to download the proceedings.
If you were unable to attend the event, access to the proceedings can be purchased for US$200.
Key Note Speakers
In each session, distinguished speakers from academia and industry delivered presentations that highlight concepts central to each topic. Afterwards, a panel (chaired by the speakers) assembled to field questions and encourage wider conversation.

Desalination, wastewater treatment, zero liquid discharge, water fouling
Cooling Water Treatment – Lessons Learned
Michael Lyon, DuPont
Resource Recovery from Wastewater
John Poppe, Kitsap Public Utility District
A Study of Iodine Vapor Infusion to Mitigate Fouling of Cooling Tower Water
Joel McElrath , Electric Power Research Institute

Carbon capture, sulfur and NOx reduction, indoor air quality
Trends in Waste Heat Recovery Practices in the Process Industry
Alan Rossiter, PhD, P.E., UH Energy, University of Houston
Gas Turbine Operation Improvement with Multi-Function Catalyst
Dan Johnson, P.E., CORMETECH Inc.
Ari Glezer, PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology and Arne J. Pearlstein, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cold Water for Plants in the Desert: Heat Rejection for Water-starved Locations
T.J. Paskach, PhD, Frontline BioEnergy LLC

Geothermal, direct solar thermal, fuel cells, Li-ion battery energy storage
Heat Transfer Technologies for Combined Heat and Power Applications
Patricia Irving, PhD, InnovaTek Inc.
Design and Test of High-Temperature Recuperator (HTR) for Carbonate Fuel Cells
Lou Curcio, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company
Improving Thermal Management for Large Li-ion Energy Storage Systems
Amy Lenneman, AES Distributed Energy