Advanced Compact Heat Exchanger (CHX) Technology for Low Grade Heat management

Arun Muley

Arun Muley, PhD

Chief Engineer and Fellow

Integrated Thermal and Energy Technology
Boeing Research and Technology (BR&T)


Increased focus on electrification, sustainability, waste heat recovery and conversion to power in aerospace and industrial energy systems are driving the demand for efficient and affordable low grade heat management. A multidisciplinary three-pillar approach, consisting of advanced fabrication (including Additive Manufacturing), high performance materials, and innovative conformal and integrated designs, is ideally suited for low temperature applications. Advanced model-based engineering (MBE) designs and cost-effective fabrication methods are needed to meet thermal challenges of these energy systems. Innovative heat exchangers made from Aluminum or Polymer Composite materials with thin wall features, higher thermal conductivity (5 – 10 W/m-K), and improved mechanical properties offer enhanced performance and improved system efficiency. This presentation will highlight recent progress and future development needs for maturing and transitioning novel compact heat exchangers for use in low temperature energy system.